L: Pours a dark amber brown colour with a three finger off-white head, retaining a film throughout and leaving good lacing. 8/10
S: Strong malt presence, toffee and caramel malt I would say, yet it still retains some of the hops you'd expect from a Sierra Nevada ale. Pine, citrus peel and citrus fruits are all hinted at in the aroma. 7/10
T: Malty, more bready than sweet, quite nice. Slight bitterness somewhere in the middle. To be completely honest, there's just not much going on - it's a bit one-dimensional. The start is full of hints of toffee and caramel and the finish is pine, citrus and peel. 6/10
M: Medium bodied and moderately carbonated, smooth and very easy to drink. 7/10
The verdict: Not bad, but not at all great. Probably the least impressive of the beers I've tried from this brewery. However, I'll definitely be trying it again in the Autumn, as fresh I can get it. Also, I'll be picking up the Summerfest lager soon. 7/10
The Drunken Destrier score: 70/100
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