Finally had my Warsteiner with a nice curry, and I'm calling this meal Round 2, as the first retrospective 'round' with Budweiser Budvar went ridiculously well.
I'd pick this up over any of the major international macros any day. This is definitely one to quaff cold, and in that particular arena it delivers absolute perfection - low taste, low budget and requiring zero levels of attention to drink. What more should we expect from Germany's 4th best-selling beer brand?
In other news I managed quite the beer haul over the past few days, and there are some very interesting things coming up. With this Warsteiner gone, as well as last night's second bottle of Young's Double Chocolate Stout (which I enjoyed much more than the first one), the only remnants of the collection I photographed and posted on the blog are the five remaining Westvleteren 12s. Safe to say I'm very excited about taking tasting notes over the coming weeks.
On a side note, say what you will about Guinness, but how good does their toucan souvenir pint glass look filled with Young's DCS?
Amirite? |
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