We arrived in Munich pretty early - far too early to go to the hotel, but not too early for beer.
Never too early for beer.
So we started by doing what every tourist does in Munich and headed to Marienplatz. After some oohing and aahing we walked on to Tal, where, just as with the Poechenellekelder, we found one of our intended destinations accidentally. It was, of course, Schneider's Weisses Bräuhaus. Liquid breakfast came in the form of Tap 4 Mein Grünes. It's refreshing yet bracing, with a cool spicy hop profile to accompany the wholesome Schneider Hefe character. Great stuff.

The Ayinger Bräu-Weisse was delicious too, being quite pale - paler than a Schneider Weisse, anyway - and spicy, with plenty of fruity sweetness to match. Satisfying and refreshing, though not as impressive as the Ur-Weisse, which was darker and heartier, with more banana and bready malt to buff up the light fruit and spice character.
So far, so good.
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